Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dinner at Milestones in Ottawa - Monday, Jan. 31, 2011

We walked back from the Museum of Civilization at about 5 pm. We were all straving, and it was bitter cold, so we popped into Milestone's because we knew it was the first restsurant we would come to, and it was right across the street from our car.

We were seated at a booth, and it seemed warm at first (because we had just come in from the cold) but there was a definate draft from the door. We ordered kids meals for the girls, Jasmine got a veggie burger, and I got a salad. The salad was fantastic, and Jasmine ate all her burger, so I am guessing that was good too. The french fries are those curly ones, and they do not have any seasoning on them, so they were also very popular.

But Layla's chicken fingers were dry and had almost no meat in them, and her mashed potatoes weren't really mashed-up at all. I loved the potatoes, but not at all right for a kid. Sophia had pasta with tomato sauce, which was really more like just tomato chuncks, with no flavour. All-in-all, the kids meals really were not good. But we have been to Milestones and had better luck in the past, so I am guessing it was just this location.

The whole meal was pretty reasonably priced. Next time we will go back to the grand for a second round of pizza.


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