Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Morning Walk and Breakfast at the Chateau Laurier

In the morning we got up an took a walk to the Parliament Buildings. It was Monday morning so there were lots of people on their way to work. It wasn't far, but it was bitter cold, I think the fluid in my eyeballs was starting to freeze.

We snapped our picture in front of Capital Hill and decided we needed to walk back and get some breakfast, then hit the pool.

We ate at the Chateau Laurier in their lovely dining room. We ordered a waffle and bacon and eggs. They did not have a kids menu. But the two meals was more than enough for the four of us, and with coffee and juice, it was the most expensive meal of the trip.

After that, the girls and Jasmine went swimming, while I took advantage of their wonderful Club facilities to take a shower, and get ready for the day.


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