Thursday, February 3, 2011

One Last Skate on the Rideau Canal - Monday, Jan. 31, 2011

On the way out of town we stopped for one last skate on the Rideau. It was Monday night so there were not that many people skating; plus, it seemed far less people had skated on the canal since it was scrapped and flooded than the day before. We were also further up the canal at the 3.0 KM marker, so I assume less people skate there than at the 0.0 KM marker.

We parked the car at a convenient lot across the street, it was $5, which seems a little steep since there were only 3 other cars there and we were only parking for about 30 mins. But I didn't really care, because the experience is priceless.

We got our warm winter clothes on in the car and walked for about 5 minutes to the canal. At the canal they had the indoor area to change into skates, so we used that. It was about -12 C, and -20 C with the windchill. We skated up the river looking for the alledged Pig Island. Once we reached the 4.2 KM marker and still did not see it we decided to turn back.

It was a really great skating surface, so there was a lot less falling than there had been the day before. It was a different part of the Rideau and it was night, so a much different experience than we had on Sunday.

I am glad we stopped for one last skate. I am glad we made the trip to Ottawa. What a great weekend get away.

Dinner at Milestones in Ottawa - Monday, Jan. 31, 2011

We walked back from the Museum of Civilization at about 5 pm. We were all straving, and it was bitter cold, so we popped into Milestone's because we knew it was the first restsurant we would come to, and it was right across the street from our car.

We were seated at a booth, and it seemed warm at first (because we had just come in from the cold) but there was a definate draft from the door. We ordered kids meals for the girls, Jasmine got a veggie burger, and I got a salad. The salad was fantastic, and Jasmine ate all her burger, so I am guessing that was good too. The french fries are those curly ones, and they do not have any seasoning on them, so they were also very popular.

But Layla's chicken fingers were dry and had almost no meat in them, and her mashed potatoes weren't really mashed-up at all. I loved the potatoes, but not at all right for a kid. Sophia had pasta with tomato sauce, which was really more like just tomato chuncks, with no flavour. All-in-all, the kids meals really were not good. But we have been to Milestones and had better luck in the past, so I am guessing it was just this location.

The whole meal was pretty reasonably priced. Next time we will go back to the grand for a second round of pizza.

Across the Bridge to Hull and the Museum of Civilization - Monday, Jan. 31, 2011

Once we checked out, we loaded up the car, and walked across the Alexandra Bridge to Hull and the Canadian Museum of Civilization. Admission to the Museum was a very modest price. The girls loved the exhibits and wanted to see everything. Layla has such a great sense of humor; she wanted me to take her picture worshiping a statue, then pretended to cry on camera when her wheel of cheese wouldn't fit in her shopping bag in the children's exhibit area, and at the end of the day she pretended to fall a sleep in a Bangladesh taxi cab while Sophia drove her home.

We definitely could have spent a lot more time at the museum. The children's area was especially fun, and wasn't run down like a lot of other children's museums we have been to.

A Morning Walk and Breakfast at the Chateau Laurier

In the morning we got up an took a walk to the Parliament Buildings. It was Monday morning so there were lots of people on their way to work. It wasn't far, but it was bitter cold, I think the fluid in my eyeballs was starting to freeze.

We snapped our picture in front of Capital Hill and decided we needed to walk back and get some breakfast, then hit the pool.

We ate at the Chateau Laurier in their lovely dining room. We ordered a waffle and bacon and eggs. They did not have a kids menu. But the two meals was more than enough for the four of us, and with coffee and juice, it was the most expensive meal of the trip.

After that, the girls and Jasmine went swimming, while I took advantage of their wonderful Club facilities to take a shower, and get ready for the day.

Dinner at the Grand Pizzeria in Ottawa - Sunday, Jan. 30, 2011

We walked to the Byward Market, and it was hard to find a place that look suitable for kids. But we found this great little upscale pizza place, and there were other families already eating there. We asked for the warmest table, so they put us right near the pizza oven...perfect.

Layla wanted pizza, and Sophia couldn't really decide. So we got a small cheese pizza for the girls to share. Jasmine got a plate of penne with tomato sauce and I got a salad. Every thing tasted really great, we ate it all, and we were really full.

The pizza was particularly fantastic, if you are in Ottawa I strongly recommend you stop by and give their pizza a try!

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Trip to Ottawa to Skate on the Rideau Canal - Sunday, Jan. 30, 2011

I went to Ottawa last fall on business, and decided, after a walk-through the Parliment Hill and Rideau Canal area that we absolutely had to make it back in the winter time to skate on the Rideau. So this Sunday, January 30, I decided we would pack-up and head to our Nation's Capital.

It took about 5 hours, with a meal stop to get there. Jasmine, my niece joined Layla, Sophia and me on our journey. DJ Jazzy H provided the tunes and even took requests from our back seat passengers. So the drive was definately part of the fun. It is easy to get to Ottawa from Toronto, just go East on the 401 and North on the 416, and basically you are there.

We stayed at the Chateau Laurier, which was an absolutely fabulous choice for skating on the Rideau. We self-parked around back and did not use the car until we were on our way out of Ottawa.

When we arrived we brought all our stuff in and checked into the Hotel. We then went up stairs and prepared ourselves for our skating adventure. It is colder in Ottawa than it is in Toronto so make sure you dress warm. Warm mittens, a hat and something to cover your face are a MUST!

We put our snowpants and outwear on, and wore our shoes (which was better than trying to put our boots into a back pack). They have an indoor Chalet to change into your skates and they have lockers also. The Canal was right below the Hotel, so we just had to walk down some stairs and we were there. We got changed and were ready to go.

We took our picture by the 0.0 KM marker and began our skate. It was Sunday afternoon, so a lot of people had skated and were skating on the ice. It was bumpy, and the girls fell a lot because of the uneven surface. But we keep skating, all the way to the 2.0 KM marker. We had some hot chocolate that was on sale to raise money for some charity, then skated back. We were cold, and Sophia was tired, but we did it!

More to come in my next post...

New Year's Eve at Nathan Phillips Square

What a great adventure. We head down to the Square kind of late so we didn't have to stand around too long. That was a great descision because you cannot get close enough to the stage to see anything at all.

Before heading out Gramma Judy and Grand Dad took us to see the lights at Downview Park. They were good, and if you live in Toronto you should definately make sure you get there. We drove through, but they allow people to walk through one night a week, that might be a better way to see the lights, maybe we will try that next year.

So back to the New Year's Eve celebration. We wiggled our way into the thick crowds. The security people told us not to go in too far, they said it was like a "mosh pit". But it was muddy around the edges of the square, so we ended-up right where we were not suppose to go.

There is nothing like counting down the New Year with thousands of other people, and the look on the girl's faces was absolutely priceless. This is what I wrote my friend "When they started counting backward, everyone all together from 59 - 58 - 57, then the crowd got really loud at 18 - 17 - 16, then everyone, 3 - 2 - 1, Happy New Year."

Then we all hugged and kissed and then there were fireworks.

As the crowds started to leave, that is where it gets a little dangerous for small children. Layla was great, she held her own and I am confident a 9 year is ok in the crowds. I was a lot more cautious with Sophia, she is only 7 and a small 7 at that. But we held on to one another and made it out fine, my advice is to just be patient and move with the crowds.

New Year's Eve Daytime Skate and Swiss Chalet

On New Year's Eve day Layla, Sophia and I meet my good friend Robinson at Harbor Front Centre for skating and lunch. For such a mild day, the skating surface was excellent. If you are planning to skate down here, get there early and beat the crowds, by the afternoon the rink is packed, and many of the skaters are beginners.

After skating we went to Swiss Chalet, across the street and a little west of Harbor Front Centre. We shared an appetizer of Perogies, they were very popular, and I think Layla and Robinson even fought over the last one.

Layla got chicken fingers and mashed potatoes and Sophia got chicken fingers with french fries. Both girls made a good attempt at their meals but they were a little full from the perogies. The chicken fingers are a little dry at Swiss Chalet, so be warned about that.

I had the chicken noodle soup which is always great. Robinson had chicken and ribs which was way too much food, but he managed to eat it all anyway.

For desert they offer ice cream, M&Ms or Skittles. We got Skittles for Sophia and vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce for Layla (which she then turns into chocolate soft serve). Everyone was full by the end of the meal. The Skittles went swimming in the lemon finger dip bowls, that was fun and people had no problem eating the colourless Skittles afterward so they could fulfill their destiny.

Overall the meal was good value for the money. Robinson always eats so much it adds up though. About $$.

Christmas Lunch at Kelsey's

Just before Christmas the girls and I meet Robinson for lunch. We went to the Kelsey's by Warden and Eglinton.

We got the 3-cheese dip with pita, baked and fried. Everyone loved it, especially the fried pita.

Layla ordered the pizza with mashed potatoes. Layla said the gravy was really good, but sadly, not good enough for the fantastic mashed potatoes. I think she shoved so much pita and potatoes in, she couldn't fit any pizza. But the pizza was not spectacular either, still, we took it home and it got eaten, so it could not have been all bad.

Sophia had chicken fingers and french fries, I am not sure if she ate any chicken, but she ate the fries with some help from everyone else.

Robinson had a Guinness skillet. I don't think the fact that Robinson ate all his food is any indication of how good it was. But he did eat everything.

I had the Sonoma chicken salad, it was great, and I ate all of it.

One thing to note is that it seems Kelsey's no longer has those great themed cups that they would never refill. Bad for the environment, but they now make up our entire selection of children's drink cups.

Moderately priced, and a lot more expensive with Robinson. Overall, I like Kelsey's for both children and adult food.